Fund the Fence

The vision of Decapolis is to empower the youth of Nigeria, through vocational training, to invest in their own communities and dynamically interrupt the cycle of poverty! But to get this vision fully operational, we need YOU! Through your partnership, the land for the very first center has already been bought, cleared, surveyed, and legally documented. The final step in the land acquisition process is to physically secure it with perimeter fencing.

We have already purchased the pipes and rods needed and have secured a shipping container to be used as a storage facility for the project materials. We are making contacts to purchase the cement, and plan to commence work on the fencing in the fourth quarter of 2023.

We have currently raised a little over 55% of the funds needed for this project. Completing the fencing will put us one step closer to being able to offer vocational training to impoverished children in rural Nigeria and to reach them with the love of Christ!

You can help us raise the remaining funds to commence the fence building by clicking on the DONATE button below