Welcome to Decapolis Community Development Center

Decapolis Community Development Center is a community-based development program working in impoverished, rural communities in Nigeria. We target the most vulnerable and empower them - through hands-on training in regenerative agriculture. We primarily train small-scale farmers to teach them how they can feed their family and make a profit on less than 1 hectare of land. Our multi-day trainings for small-scale farmers and community leaders are currently held at our training locations in FCT Abuja and Kogi State, and we do on-site trainings in various communities across the country for local farmers and farmers' cooperatives, with special consideration given to IDP camps, orphanages, and after-care programs for trafficking victims. We are on track to train over 2,000 farmers in 2024 alone.

What We Do

United in Serving Others


Malnutrition is widespread in Nigeria and rural areas are especially vulnerable. This initiative serves as a platform to promote collaboration and design interventions to achieve a vision of agriculture as a driver of food security. We encourage small scale farmers, fishers, and pastoralists to sustainably increase productivity and access markets.

Skills acquisition and COMMUNITY Empowerment

Hands-on skills are increasingly important across all industries and organisations. At Decapolis CDC, we provide vocational training and basic literacy skills. We empower communities to enable them to advance from unemployment to employment, entrepreneurship and innovation by creating sustainable income-generation programs.

Health Access Initiatives

Decapolis Community Development Center is strengthening health systems with community-based capacity building interventions. Our broad expertise enables partnership with communities facing health problems. We link with wider efforts to integrate Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) with nutrition, education, and adaptation to climatic shocks.

Renewable Energy and Climate Change

A shift towards renewable energy, especially for marginalized communities, is key to tackling climate change and ensuring that millions of men and women in rural and impoverished communities are not left out of the new green economies. We embrace and promote smart, affordable and clean energy solutions.

Fund the Fence

The vision of Decapolis is to empower the youth of Nigeria, through vocational training, to invest in their own communities and dynamically interrupt the cycle of poverty! But to get this vision fully operational, we need your partnership! Through your partnership, the land for the very first center has already been bought, cleared, surveyed, and legally documented. The final step in the land acquisition process is to physically secure it with perimeter fencing. Help us reach our goal by clicking here to make a donation. every dollar makes a difference!